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January, 1

Novy God (Russian: Новый Год meaning "New Year")

is the New Year's Eve and New Year's Day celebration, observed in post-Soviet states and among Soviet expats living in other countries.


January, 8

The first issue of "The Revolution״ (newspaper) published (1870)

"The Revolution" was a newspaper established by women's rights activists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in New York City. It was published weekly between January 8, 1868, and February 17, 1872. With a combative style that matched its name, it primarily focused on women's rights, especially prohibiting discrimination against women's suffrage in the United States, and women's suffrage in general. The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, recognizing the right of women to vote, was drafted by the newspaper's founders, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton in 1878, and ratified in 1920.


January, 12

Bread and Roses Strike (1912)

The Lawrence textile strike (often referred to as the "Bread and Roses" strike) that took place in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1912 was one of the most significant struggles in U.S. labor history due to its level of organization and collaboration across ethnic and gender lines. Thousands of largely female workers walked off the job due to a reduction in their pay; Workers maintained soup kitchens and nurseries for children and meetings were simultaneously translated into nearly 30 languages. It began when a few hundred polish women discovered that their employer had reduced their wages. They shut off their machines in the textile mills and walked out, alerting other workers by parading from mill to mill, yelling “short pay” in Polish. The strike spread rapidly through the town, growing to more than twenty thousand workers. The pay cut was just the final straw; it was preceded by years of terrible working conditions in the Lawrence textile industry. About one-third of workers in the textile mills died before the age of 25. Many lived in crowded and dangerous apartment buildings, and child mortality rates in Massachusetts were the highest in the country at the time. The phrase "Bread and Roses" originated from a speech given by American women's suffrage activist Helen Todd: "Bread for all, and roses too". It speaks to the idea that workers deserve not only bread (a metaphor for basic necessities like food and shelter) but also roses (a metaphor for beauty, culture, and the things that bring joy and fulfillment to life).


January, 22

Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision

In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade recognized that the decision whether to continue or end a pregnancy belongs to the individual, not the government. Roe held that the right to liberty in the Constitution, which protects personal privacy, includes the right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy. At the time Roe was decided in 1973, nearly all states banned abortion, except in certain limited circumstances. Under Roe, these bans were unconstitutional, making abortion legal, more accessible, and safer for many pregnant people throughout the country. While Roe’s legal implications were enormous, even Roe could not make access a reality for everyone, and low-income people, people of color, young people, and others continued to face obstacles to abortion care. In 2022, the Court overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated the constitutional right to abortion.


January, 25

Day of Revolt (2011)

Day of Revolt marks the first day of the 2011 Egyptian revolution. The date was set by various youth groups to coincide with the annual Egyptian "Police holiday" as a statement against increasing police brutality during the last few years of Hosni Mubarak's presidency. It consisted of demonstrations, marches, occupations of plazas, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience, and strikes. Protests erupted throughout Egypt, with tens of thousands gathering in Cairo and thousands more in other Egyptian cities.


January, 30

Gandhi Assassinated (1948)

Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, was assassinated on January 30, 1948 by a Hindu nationalist who opposed Gandhi's support for a separate Muslim state during the Partition of India in the previous year. Gandhi had been a prominent figure in the struggle for India's independence from British rule and was a vocal advocate for nonviolence, civil disobedience, and religious tolerance. He had just finished addressing an interfaith prayer meeting when he was shot three times at point-blank range. His philosophy of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and social justice has inspired numerous movements and leaders around the world.


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